9/12/2023 SCSOA Boys Soccer Red Card Report

 9/11/2023 Procedures for officials to follow if experiencing issues during an athletic contest.

 9/4/2023 SCSOA Boys Soccer Yellow Card Report

 5/21/2018 New Officials Fingerprinting Procedure

 8/22/2017 - Emergency Procedure

 5/18/2010 - Membership Form

 10/30/2009 - Section XI Playoff Procedures

1. The home team shall provide 3 game balls for use during the Section XI
2. Each team is to provide 2 ball runners.
3. Timing: Two 40 minute halves
4. Overtime: Two 15 minute periods - sudden victory
5. Should the contest remain tied after the two overtime periods, the procedure
    for penalty kicks is:
    A. The head referee shall choose the goal.
    B. Each coach will select 5 players, including the goalkeeper or any player on
         or off the field except a disqualified player to take the kicks.
    C. A coin toss will be held. The winner of the coin toss has the choice of
         kicking first or second.
    D. Teams will alternate kickers.
    E. The defending team may change the goalkeeper prior to each penalty kick.
    F. Team with the greatest number of goals is declared the winner.
    G. If the score remains tied, 5 different players will shoot in a sudden victory
         situation where the game is ended as soon as one team scores and the
         other fails to do so.
    H. If the score remains a tie, the coach may then select any 5 players of his
         choice to continue in sudden victory fashion.
    I. During all tiebreaker penalty kicks, the ball remains alive until its momentum
        is spent, it goes out of bounds or it is retouched by the kicker.
    J. If the score is tied at any point after the regulation time, the referees
         (officials) may, if darkness prevails, halt the contest and replay the game
         from the beginning of the overtime periods - before a new round
         of overtimes or penalty kicks begins. The game would then resume with:
         2 - 15 minute overtimes - sudden victory
         1st round of penalty kicks
         2nd round of penalty kicks
6. Section XI's misconduct policy is in effect for all tournament games.

Suspended Games:

Section XI Tournament: If a game is suspended at any point, it shall be resumed from the point of suspension (including overtime and tie-breaking procedures).

State Tournament: In the event a game must be suspended because of conditions which make it impossible to play, the head referee shall declare the game official if one complete half or more of the game has been played and one team is ahead in the score. If less than one half has been played, the game will resume from the point of suspension.